Monday, June 30, 2008

The surprises don't end

So it's getting near the end and we have some major decisions to make. Which one of the J's is going home? Will she bone all three in the Fantasy Suite? Whose wenis is the biggest? All of these imperative questions beg to be answered on this episode, so I should get to this mess now!

ABC continues to impress us with the travel budget during our current oil-driven recession by flying all the lovers to the Bahamas for the fantasy dates. The first fantasy lover, Jeremy, meets DeAnna on the beach and impresses her with his dullness. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's hot as hell, but boy ain't got nothing to say! The lovers ride the waves and have forced awkward conversations. It's really amazing and quite silent. I'm pretty much sure the boning in the Fanatasy Suite was the highlight of the day. I mean, that and Jeremy's hot bod.

Next, cute Jason meets DeAnna on the beach and the cuteness begins straight away. They smile, they laugh, they have easy conversation. It's amazing. They both can't stop smiling during the entire date. The lovers kayak through the water and make out along the way. Easy-breezy all day long. It's a marked difference from her date with Jeremy. I think she is finally realizing the he's a keeper, and this is coming from me, the one who predicted his mess was headed back to Seattle tonight. It took this date for DeAnna to realize that she could fall in love with someone other than Graham.

The last date found Jesse and DeAnna riding horses on the beach. I wouldn't so much recommend a woman ride a horse in a bikini top, but our DeAnna is an independent woman and girl does what she wants. Jesse has clearly established himself as the guy who does everything "right," and she loves it. At dinner, DeAnna impresses us all with a trainwreck of an outfit with a headwrap and a striped top. Yikes! He loses her at dinner with his talk of his plans for a career and children because we all know she just wants to know how he's gonna bring home the bacon in ways other than shredding the slopes. She offers him the Fanatasy Suite invite and he pulls a pump fake by saying he can't join her until he meets her dad. Just kidding! They totally bone.

DeAnna continues to impress us with her fashion choices at the rose ceremony. She wears a bright blue dress with a fabulous early 90's bow on the hip. It was truly a gem. And I barfed.

And then DeAnna chose Jesse and Jason and sent Jeremy home! I mean, I wasn't surprised but was stunned all at once. He is totally shocked and DeAnna cries expectedly. His goodbye ride is quite dramatic, and he even stops the car during the ride to get out to contemplate his bleak future. Amazingly directed, ABC! This good-on-paper guy just didn't impress our hard-hitting DeAnna, and we're proud of her for following her heart and not her Virginia.

And then we were treated to an extra hour of fun for this season's Douches Tell All episode! What did we learn? Jeremy has gained 10 pounds in his heartbreak, and is still in love with DeAnna. Speaking of DeAnna, girlfriend has gained 10 pounds herself. Oh, and she's engaged!!

Until next week,

1 comment:

Jessica Sanders said...

I totally want her to pick Jason. He's been a fav of mine from early on. I think from the way she has sent guys home so far, she has been pretty real and true to what she wants. With this in mind I think she will send Jesse packin'.

You didn't mention anything about Graham in the "tell all" episode. I think his behavior totally solidified her decision to send him home. He acted like a teenager and was pretty much a jerk. Even in their strange "love you, hate you" relationship, he is just too immature. He wants extra credit for letting her come to his home town and stuff- give me a break! I pretty much have had enough of him.

Thanks again for your fab recap!