Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I'm so famous

Sometimes being famous has its drawbacks. Missing ¾ of last night’s Bachelorette is one of them. You see, I was entertaining clients over pinot and filets last night, and the evening just got away from me. I arrived home in a wine-induced haze to see the last 30 minutes of the episode. So let me tell you about some highlights…

DeAnna and Jeremy have a strong connection and she likes him.

Her connection to Graham, however, is stronger, even though he’s bad news bears. Their kiss was hot. She wants him naked in her bed immediately. So do I, but whatever.

DeAnna is fine with Jason’s son, and they apparently had a good date after last week’s mess. She even named a star after the little boy, Ty. Scratch that, ABC named a star after him, and DeAnna pretended it was her idea.

She sent Richard home after their one-on-one. Sucks to be him.

The remaining nine suitors are:

1) Robert
2) Jason
3) Fred – What did he do to get a rose so early? Can she really stomach that accent?
4) Twilley – Clearly remaining as the “entertainment” for the season.
5) Jesse
6) Jeremy
7) Brian
8) Graham
9) Sean – Really? She chose him in light of his heinous taste in fashion?

Bye-bye: Richard, Ron, Paul.

Until next week,


1 comment:

Jessica Sanders said...

You missed half of it? How could you Mike? I say we get a fund going to get you a DVR. Who's with me? Thanks for the fun reads, even if you did miss most of the show. Love your reviews!