Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"This is torture"

Alright folks, I was on the road making deals and changing the world. I missed the episode and just watched it now. Since I'm so busy and important, I'm just going to keep it high-level this week.

Date one: Selma. They take a private jet to the far off desert of Joshua Tree where they rock climb. They make it to the top, and hug. Also, Selma has a killer rack. Later, he takes her to a cutesy little dinner at an RV hotel. The drink wine, snuggle and...don't kiss. She explains that she's from a very conservative Iraqi family. Rock on girl. Gotta admire her respect for her family. Bummer that her family doesn't support her being on the show. Needless to say, there were blue balls indeed. She gets a rose, and he's "crazy about (her)." Cute.

Date two: group date. Roller derby! There is nothing better than some girl-on-girl competition, especially when physical contact is involved. Watching these girls bite it is pretty much the best thing yet. Except for the fact that Sarah (girl with one arm) is involved in this date. I mean, seriously, producers. This is borderline ridiculous, if not unsafe. Next up, Amanda totally bites it on her chin. This  date is spiraling out of control for sure. So Sean calls it off and there's no competition. I mean, I was hoping for fist fights, but whatever. Later, they go to dinner. Amanda returns with her busted chin, and she's fine. Then, surprise!!!, Tierra becomes the b*tch we know she is. She starts and pity party and then asks to leave. And then the tears start. Yadda yadda yadda. She actually has some pretty awesome quotes. A couple gems: "I can't take it anymore." "I can't be tortured like this." Yes, Tierra, Sean and all the girls are torturing you. Tell that to a waterboarding victim, and let me know what s/he says. But, she interrupts Sean, whines to him, and HE GIVES HER THE ROSE (!?!?!). Ugh. He also tells her he's "crazy about (her)." Okay Sean, let's not recycle too many lines here.

Last date: Leslie. They go shopping in Beverly Hills. It's basically Pretty Woman. She gets jewels (120 carats of bling), a dress, some heels, but more importantly Sean gets a killer tux. He looks so good! She also looks great, but I wish she was more fun. Unfortunately, it just doesn't click at dinner. No rose.

At the rose ceremony, Sean kisses some girls, and Tierra apologizes to confronts Robyn and Jackie.

Roses go to:

  1. Selma
  2. Tierra
  3. Catherine 
  4. Desiree
  5. Lindsay
  6. Lesley
  7. Robyn
  8. AshLee
  9. Sarah
  10. Jackie
  11. Daniella

Byeeee: Amanda (and her bruised chin) and Leslie


  1. Most unoriginal pick-up artist: Sean. He's, apparently, "crazy about" everyone.
  2. Worst: Tierra
  3. Frontrunner: I still love Lesley. But Selma may have made a move this week. And then there's Des and AshLee...
Until next week,