Monday, June 24, 2013

Yodelayyyyy Heeee Hooooooo!

Let's be honest. I'm in between two work trips and I just can't spare two hours of my life to watch this garbage. That said, I was able to spare about an hour to cram this mess into my busy and important schedule. Because I love you all so much, obviously.

Episode #5 takes place in Munich, Germany. Fun! Spricken zeeeeeee deutch? Or something?

Date one: one-on-one with Chris. We all know I love Chris, but does Desiree? They spend the day being cute tourists. They eat sausage, they dance to tuba bands, and they try on lederhosen. It's interrupted by Bryden, who sends himself home. Who cares? He needed a haircut anyway. Back to the date. Chris and Des share a romantic dinner where Chris shares a poem. I do hate poems, but it was super cute and she cried and did a head-grab kiss. It's serious, y'all. Head-grab kisses are legit.

Date two: group date. They start off on a mountaintop, where a yodeler serenades them. The boys then yodel to her. Eeek. They sled, they snowball fight, and they go to an igloo bar. They all share drinks, good times and yodels. The rose goes to Brooks.

Date three: the dreaded two-on-one between Michael and...GASP...Ben. They start off in a Tug Tub...A FLOATING HOT TUB. Honestly, I would die for one of these. Also, Michael and Ben are so super awkward and competitive, it's just plain awful. Later, they share dinner. Michael throws Ben under the bus about his commitment to religion and his's pretty bad and Des doesn't so much appreciate it. But ultimately, Michael gets the rose. Bye to Ben.

Meanwhile, back at the manse. James apparently tells the boys that if he loses the show, he'll run the town of Chicago. If he places in the top four, he'll likely be the next bachelor. James, get a grip.

At the rose ceremony, Chris asks Des about kissing the boys. If she were to only kiss one, she would choose Brooks. Telling?

Desiree also tells us that she is 100% ready to send one guy home and she sees no need for a rose ceremony. What's best? These guys are dying to out James as a d-bag and they've lost their opportunity. Sorrrryyyyy!

Roses go to:

  1. Chris
  2. Brooks
  3. Michael G. 
  4. Zak
  5. Kasey
  6. Juan Pablo
  7. Drew
  8. James

Byeeeee: Bryden and Mikey.


  1. Front runner(s): Chris and Brooks.
  2. Worst outfit: Des at the rose ceremony. She looks like Cruella DeVille. Oops.
  3. Villain 2.0: James
  4. Best quote: "James is a cancer."  - Drew. Dramatic much?
Until next week,

Monday, June 17, 2013

Finding love in New Jersey. And other impossibilities.

As I sit in my fancy hotel overlooking the sunset over Tampa Bay (jealous?!), I'm able to take a moment to reflect on the joy that blogging the worst television show in the history of America has brought me over the past 882 seasons of failure. Absolutely none.

Tonight's episode really departs from the norm. It's the fourth episode, which means we're changing locations. We'll also have three dates. Surprised yet? too. This year, our first non-LA stop is Atlantic City, NJ. Or, as I refer to it, Vegas in Jersey: where dreams (and hookers) go to die. I'd also say the same about Jersey in general, but I'll be nice and not say that this time. Oh wait...

First date goes to Brad the Dad. He's a bit quiet and reserved. Can his personality shine through and surprise us? I can only imagine how much fun an accountant can be. I'm thinking color-coded spreadsheets could be in Desiree's future, but only if she's lucky. They frolic on the boardwalk and end up at a dinner in a lighthouse to see if Brad can really carry a conversation. They have pretty much NO connection whatsoever. Nervous laughter, awkward silences, the stuff dreams are made of. After their bad dinner, they walk to the top of the lighthouse where...well...more silence ensues. And then she dumps him. Why waste the steps and breath? The weirdest part? He cries!

Next date: Brooks, Bryden, Zack K., Kasey, Drew, Juan Pablo, Zak W., Mikey, Michael G., Ben, Chris. They head to a random gymnasium where they're greeted by Miss America in what seems to be a denim dress (?). We soon learn they're there to compete in a pageant: "The Bachelorette's Mr. America." In front of a live audience. Their coaches? A waify queen who is trying his best to play straight (fat [or skinny] chance, lady), and Miss America herself. In a matter of minutes, the men are in heels, skates and hula hoops trying their best to develop some sort of talent. But the real gem? The swimsuits. We have banana hammocks galore, and it's brilliant.

Now, on to the pageant. First, we start with the question portion. It's epically hilarious. Chris's answer to what he needs to work on in a relationship is taking girls to dinner more often. Mikey talks about his softer side. It's horrible. Next up: talent. Chris wears heels and plays with hula hoops; Bryden humps the sky in front of the mayor of Atlantic City; and Zak jams on the the guitar with a pretty good voice that brings Des to tears. And then the swimsuit competition. Annoyingly, ABC cuts out the majority of the speedos. Finally, we get to find out who the winner is: Kasey. He tapped, he wore red pants, and he won. Congrats, social media guy. #congrats.

Later, they wrap up with a pool party. Lucky for the boys who were in speedos for the pageant , as they were able to put on their trunks. Chris was the first to get some alone time, and he read her a cute little poem and followed up with a kiss. He was sexy in his pink trunks, and I'm pretty sure she loved it. Next up was Ben. I'm not convinced she's really in to him, and it's clear the guys are over him. Frankly, the dudes are pissed that he's alive because he's clearly the devil. The rose ends up going to Zak W., after he finished off his serenade to Des.

The last date goes to James. As opposed to an over-the-top date, the potential lovebirds get taken around the Jersey shore to survey the damage from that bitch, Hurricane a helicopter, of course. The damage is pretty intense, especially in Seaside Heights. My favorite was when they met the elderly couple, Manny and Jan. Their accents could not have been better. It. Was. WON-DAH-FUL. But what was cute is that Des and James gave up their date to the couple, who seemed genuinely touched. It was really cute. Manny and Jan got to go to Atlantic City in a limo, which was pretty awesome. They got to have dinner in a "fancy" room, which they found to be fabulous, and it was basically the best thing ever. Seriously...adorable. Later, they are gifted a replica of their wedding album, which was damaged in the hurricane. It was super touching and I totally cried. Ugh...

But seriously ugh...when they get serenaded at a private concert by Hootie (?!?!?!?!). No. Just no.

Meanwhile, James and Des have a casual dinner at a bar in Seaside. James admits to cheating on his college girlfriend during freshman year of college. I mean, I applaud his honestly...but from his freshman year of college? Not necessarily relevant.

At the rose ceremony, Des and Chris discuss the "friend zone." Are they there? I hope not. At the very least, they kiss and it's cute. Bryden then takes Des aside to tell him about his doubts, etc. Des tells Bryden that she wants him there, and he seems reassured a bit.

Roses go to:
  1. Zak W. 
  2. James
  3. Chris
  4. Brooks
  5. Juan Pablo
  6. Drew
  7. Michael G. 
  8. Ben
  9. Kasey
  10. Bryden
  11. Mikey

Byeeeee: Brad and Zack. 

  1. Hottest: I still think it's Chris. 
  2. Best speedo-wearer: Ben. It was tiny. 
  3. Most awkward gay tendencies: Brooks. Brooks, are you hiding something? 
  4. The first one to say "I'm not here to make friends": Ben. 
  5. Front runner: is there really a front runner? This week was lacking on romance.
  6. Villain: Ben. Still Ben.
Until next week,

Monday, June 03, 2013

"Right reasons, right reasons. I'm here for the girl for all the right reasons."

Okay, let's be honest. I didn't pay much attention to the first date. I was actually out at dinner, and since I'm traveling, I have no DVR. Disaster. But, here's what happened: the first date went to Brooks. The date is wedding-themed, which is quite awkward. At the end of the date, he gets a rose.

The group date features 14 dudes, most of whom I cannot yet name. The title of the date is "Who is here for the right reasons?" Hidden agenda, much? They get transported to a winery where they realize they're going to be starring in a rap video entitled "Right Reasons." Totally normal for a bunch of white dudes. ABC reeled in a real "rapper" to coach the video: Soulja Boy. Apparently he's a rapper in real life. Sidenote: Juan Pablo is wearing the red Bonobos pants we gave him on the photo shoot I managed three years ago. Totally fine. Next, a bunch of scenes in the video begin filming, and the white boys prove just how very white they are. Rhythm? No. Rhyming ability? Not so much. Dance moves? None.

Later, they have (surprise!) cocktails at some mansion. Zak (shirtless Zak from episode #1) gives Desiree a vintage journal. She's totally touched. Ben and Desiree talk about his son...duh. Let's hope there's more to Ben than his child (even though he's cute). But wait...maybe there is because he totally goes in for a juicy kiss. Meanwhile, creepy Brandon is spying on them. And then he starts almost crying (?). After their time together, Mikey confronts Ben about his "political" nature. Ben deals with it diplomatically and it's over. Or is it?

Next, Brandon gets some time with her. First up? Her vomits his entire past on her. My dad left us, my mom was a drug addict, I raised my siblings, I was a truant and I didn't raise myself. I want kids. If I'm not scaring you right now, what is your problem? Oh wait...he didn't mean that last part.

At the end of it, Ben gets the rose. Eeek...apparently the nice dad is getting a bad reputation amongst these dudes.

The next date goes to Bryden. They take a California road trip. They play in the ocean, they eat fish tacos, they go to an orange grove where they eat brie (Bryden doesn't know what it is...WHAT?!), and they end up at the Ojai Inn, where ABC underscores their entrance with the Bachelor/ette finale music. Is this foreshadowing? They share an outdoor dinner under the stars. They're both kind of nervous and cute together. He's pretty cute and comfortable with her, and something about him is seemingly honest and normal. He tells her about his horrible accident and brings out some pictures (creepy?), but she seems genuinely touched. He wraps up his story about making the most out of life, like every after school special should. He just needs a new hairdo.

The date ends in tub scene. The first of the season? YES! The only thing missing is the kiss that Bryden is clearly putting off for FAR TOO LONG. The best part: "Just kiss me already," blurted out by Desiree. Okay, that was awesome. His response: "Just go for it?" And he does. Awww...she likes him.

Back at the house, it's rose ceremony time. Michael G. gets his time with her, and he starts to tell her about his diabetes...only to be interrupted by Ben, quickly becoming the villain of the season. Yikes. Within minutes, he gets another kiss. After his time, the dudes question him in a rather heated confrontation. Mikey, the plumber, is pissed. So is Michael. Frankly, I don't think he's a bad guy...but time will tell.

Roses go to:
  1. Brooks
  2. Ben
  3. Bryden
  4. James
  5. Kasey
  6. Dan
  7. Juan Pablo
  8. Brad
  9. Chris
  10. Brian
  11. Zak W.
  12. Drew
  13. Mikey
  14. Zack
  15. Michael
  16. Brandon
Byeeeee: Will, Robert, and Nick

  1. Supercuts Special: Bryden. Dude needs a new 'do. You ain't in service anymore, my brother.
  2. Frontrunner: Bryden
  3. Villain: Ben?
  4. Looks like a muppet: Robert. Byeeee.
Until next week,


P.S. How excited are we for the first ambulance call of the season next week? And a supposed girlfriend calling out one of the bachelors? Amazing.